Contact Details
Level 10 Commercial Tower
Australia Fair
36 Marine Parade
Southport QLD 4215
PO Box 3767 Australia Fair
Southport QLD 4215
Changes in career trends over the past decade means that opportunities are presenting themselves in a variety of areas which is exciting when it comes to choice, yet confusing when it comes to deciding which path might be right for you. Getting a job can be daunting so it’s helpful to understand how to present yourself in the best way with an effective resume, cover letter and manage the application process, including building your confidence for interviews and starting your new position.
The game has changed in the job market so it’s important to take a strategic approach when planning your options. Keeping an open mind can often be the best way to get a feel for what your passions are and what drives you. It’s also important to understand more about yourself and what type of career you would find most fulfilling to balance your passions, lifestyle, preferred income and other commitments.
Whether you are a school leaver, in the midst of a career change at any age, or have been unemployed for a while, it’s helpful to get some guidance to help you along your career pathway.
Level 10 Commercial Tower
Australia Fair
36 Marine Parade
Southport QLD 4215
PO Box 3767 Australia Fair
Southport QLD 4215